
Methods for decoding unthresholded brain maps into text.


corr_decode(img, dataset[, features, …])
param img:Input image to decode. Must have same affine/dimensions as dataset
corr_dist_decode(img, dataset[, features, …]) Builds feature-specific distributions of correlations with input image for image-based meta-analytic functional decoding.
gclda_decode_map(model, image[, …]) Perform image-to-text decoding for continuous inputs (e.g., unthresholded statistical maps), according to the method described in [1].
corr_decode(img, dataset, features=None, frequency_threshold=0.001, meta_estimator=None, target_image='specificity_z')[source]
  • img (nibabel.Nifti1.Nifti1Image) – Input image to decode. Must have same affine/dimensions as dataset mask.
  • dataset – A dataset with coordinates.
  • features (list, optional) – List of features in dataset annotations to use for decoding. Default is None, which uses all features available.
  • frequency_threshold (float, optional) – Threshold to apply to dataset annotations. Values greater than or equal to the threshold as assigned as label+, while values below the threshold are considered label-. Default is 0.001.
  • meta_estimator (initialized nimare.meta.cbma.base.CBMAEstimator, optional) – Defaults to MKDAChi2.
  • target_image (str, optional) – Image from meta_estimator’s results to use for decoding. Dependent on estimator.

out_df – A DataFrame with two columns: ‘feature’ (label) and ‘r’ (correlation coefficient). There will be one row for each feature.

Return type:


corr_dist_decode(img, dataset, features=None, frequency_threshold=0.001, target_image='z')[source]

Builds feature-specific distributions of correlations with input image for image-based meta-analytic functional decoding.

  • img (nibabel.Nifti1.Nifti1Image) – Input image to decode. Must have same affine/dimensions as dataset mask.
  • dataset – A dataset with images.
  • features (list, optional) – List of features in dataset annotations to use for decoding. Default is None, which uses all features available.
  • frequency_threshold (float, optional) – Threshold to apply to dataset annotations. Values greater than or equal to the threshold as assigned as label+, while values below the threshold are considered label-. Default is 0.001.
  • target_image ({'z', 'con'}, optional) – Image type from database to use for decoding.

out_df – DataFrame with a row for each feature used for decoding and two columns: mean and std. Values describe the distributions of correlation coefficients (in terms of Fisher-transformed z-values).

Return type:


gclda_decode_map(model, image, topic_priors=None, prior_weight=1)[source]

Perform image-to-text decoding for continuous inputs (e.g., unthresholded statistical maps), according to the method described in [1].

  • model (nimare.annotate.topic.GCLDAModel) – Model object needed for decoding.
  • image (nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image or str) – Whole-brain image to decode into text. Must be in same space as model and dataset. Model’s template available in model.dataset.mask_img.
  • topic_priors (numpy.ndarray of float, optional) – A 1d array of size (n_topics) with values for topic weighting. If None, no weighting is done. Default is None.
  • prior_weight (float, optional) – The weight by which the prior will affect the decoding. Default is 1.

  • decoded_df (pandas.DataFrame) – A DataFrame with the word-tokens and their associated weights.
  • topic_weights (numpy.ndarray of float) – The weights of the topics used in decoding.


Notation Meaning
v Voxel
t Topic
w Word type
i Input image
p(v|t) Probability of topic given voxel (p_topic_g_voxel)
\\tau_{t} Topic weight vector (topic_weights)
p(w|t) Probability of word type given topic (p_word_g_topic)
\omega 1d array from input image (input_values)
  1. Compute p(t|v) (p_topic_g_voxel).

    • From gclda.model.Model.get_spatial_probs()
  2. Squeeze input image to 1d array \omega (input_values).

  3. Compute topic weight vector (\\tau_{t}) by multiplying p(t|v) by input image.

    • \\tau_{t} = p(t|v) \cdot \omega
  4. Multiply \\tau_{t} by p(w|t).

    • p(w|i) \propto \\tau_{t} \cdot p(w|t)
  5. The resulting vector (word_weights) reflects arbitrarily scaled term weights for the input image.


[1](1, 2) Rubin, Timothy N., et al. “Decoding brain activity using a large-scale probabilistic functional-anatomical atlas of human cognition.” PLoS computational biology 13.10 (2017): e1005649.