Train an LDA model and use it

This example trains a latent Dirichlet allocation model with MALLET using abstracts from Neurosynth.

import os

import nimare
from nimare import annotate
from nimare.tests.utils import get_test_data_path

Load dataset with abstracts

dset = nimare.dataset.Dataset(os.path.join(get_test_data_path(), "neurosynth_laird_studies.json"))

Download MALLET

MALLET is a Java toolbox for natural language processing. While LDA is implemented in some Python libraries, like scikit-learn, MALLET appears to do a better job at LDA than other tools. LDAModel will download MALLET automatically, but it’s included here for clarity.

Run model

This may take some time, so we won’t run it in the gallery.

model = annotate.lda.LDAModel(dset.texts, text_column="abstract", n_iters=5)"lda_model.pkl.gz")

# Let's remove the model now that you know how to generate it.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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