Method by which to determine uncorrected p-values. The available options are
”approximate” (default)
Build a histogram of summary-statistic values and their
expected frequencies under the assumption of random spatial
associated between studies, via a weighted convolution.
This method is much faster, but slightly less accurate.
Perform a large number of permutations, in which the coordinates
in the studies are randomly drawn from the Estimator’s brain mask
and the full set of resulting summary-statistic values are
incorporated into a null distribution (stored as a histogram for
memory reasons).
This method is must slower, and is only slightly more accurate.
n_iters (int, default=5000) – Number of iterations to use to define the null distribution.
This is only used if null_method=="montecarlo".
Default is 5000.
memory (instance of joblib.Memory, str, or pathlib.Path) – Used to cache the output of a function. By default, no caching is done.
If a str is given, it is the path to the caching directory.
memory_level (int, default=0) – Rough estimator of the amount of memory used by caching.
Higher value means more memory for caching. Zero means no caching.
n_cores (int, default=1) – Number of cores to use for parallelization.
This is only used if null_method=="montecarlo".
If <=0, defaults to using all available cores.
Default is 1.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments. Arguments for the kernel_transformer can be assigned
here, with the prefix ‘kernel__’ in the variable name.
masker (NiftiMasker or similar) – Masker object.
inputs (dict) – Inputs to the Estimator. For CBMA estimators, there is only one key: coordinates.
This is an edited version of the dataset’s coordinates DataFrame.
Null distributions for the uncorrected summary-statistic-to-p-value conversion and any
multiple-comparisons correction methods.
Entries are added to this attribute if and when the corresponding method is applied.
If null_method=="approximate":
histogram_bins: Array of bin centers for the null distribution histogram,
ranging from zero to the maximum possible summary statistic value for the Dataset.
histweights_corr-none_method-approximate: Array of weights for the null
distribution histogram, with one value for each bin in histogram_bins.
If null_method=="montecarlo":
histogram_bins: Array of bin centers for the null distribution histogram,
ranging from zero to the maximum possible summary statistic value for the Dataset.
histweights_corr-none_method-montecarlo: Array of weights for the null
distribution histogram, with one value for each bin in histogram_bins.
These values are derived from the full set of summary statistics from each
iteration of the Monte Carlo procedure.
histweights_level-voxel_corr-fwe_method-montecarlo: Array of weights for the
voxel-level FWE-correction null distribution, with one value for each bin in
histogram_bins. These values are derived from the maximum summary statistic
from each iteration of the Monte Carlo procedure.
The KDA algorithm has been replaced in the literature with the MKDA algorithm.
As such, this estimator should almost never be used, outside of systematic
comparisons between algorithms.
Perform FWE correction using the max-value permutation method.
Only call this method from within a Corrector.
Changed in version 0.0.13: Change cluster neighborhood from faces+edges to faces, to match Nilearn.
Changed in version 0.0.12:
Fix the vfwe_only option.
Changed in version 0.0.11:
Rename *_level-cluster maps to *_desc-size_level-cluster.
Add new *_desc-mass_level-cluster maps that use cluster mass-based inference.
result (MetaResult) – Result object from a CBMA meta-analysis.
voxel_thresh (float, default=0.001) – Cluster-defining p-value threshold. Default is 0.001.
n_iters (int, default=5000) – Number of iterations to build the voxel-level, cluster-size, and cluster-mass FWE
null distributions. Default is 5000.
n_cores (int, default=1) – Number of cores to use for parallelization.
If <=0, defaults to using all available cores. Default is 1.
vfwe_only (bool, default=False) – If True, only calculate the voxel-level FWE-corrected maps. Voxel-level correction
can be performed very quickly if the Estimator’s null_method was “montecarlo”.
Default is False.
images (dict) – Dictionary of 1D arrays corresponding to masked images generated by
the correction procedure. The following arrays are generated by
this method:
logp_desc-size_level-cluster: Cluster-level FWE-corrected -log10(p) map
based on cluster size. This was previously simply called “logp_level-cluster”.
This array is not generated if vfwe_only is True.
logp_desc-mass_level-cluster: Cluster-level FWE-corrected -log10(p) map
based on cluster mass. According to Bullmore et al.[3] and
Zhang et al.[4], cluster mass-based inference is more powerful than
cluster size.
This array is not generated if vfwe_only is True.
logp_level-voxel: Voxel-level FWE-corrected -log10(p) map.
Voxel-level correction is generally more conservative than cluster-level
correction, so it is only recommended for very large meta-analyses
(i.e., hundreds of studies), per Eickhoff et al.[5].
description_ (str) – A text description of the correction procedure.
If vfwe_only is False, this method adds three new keys to the
null_distributions_ attribute:
values_level-voxel_corr-fwe_method-montecarlo: The maximum summary statistic
value from each Monte Carlo iteration. An array of shape (n_iters,).
values_desc-size_level-cluster_corr-fwe_method-montecarlo: The maximum cluster
size from each Monte Carlo iteration. An array of shape (n_iters,).
values_desc-mass_level-cluster_corr-fwe_method-montecarlo: The maximum cluster
mass from each Monte Carlo iteration. An array of shape (n_iters,).
The fit method is a light wrapper that runs input validation and
preprocessing before fitting the actual model. Estimators’ individual
“fitting” methods are implemented as _fit, although users should
call fit.
compressed (bool, default=True) – If True, the file is assumed to be compressed and gzip will be used
to load it. Otherwise, it will assume that the file is not
compressed. Default = True.
The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects
(such as pipelines). The latter have parameters of the form
<component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each
component of a nested object.