Coordinate-based meta-analysis algorithms

A tour of CBMA algorithms in NiMARE.

This tutorial is intended to provide a brief description and example of each of the CBMA algorithms implemented in NiMARE. For a more detailed introduction to the elements of a coordinate-based meta-analysis, see other stuff.

Load Dataset


The data used in this example come from a collection of NIDM-Results packs downloaded from Neurovault collection 1425, uploaded by Dr. Camille Maumet.

Creation of the Dataset from the NIDM-Results packs was done with custom code. The Results packs for collection 1425 are not completely NIDM-Results-compliant, so the nidmresults library could not be used to facilitate data extraction.

import os

from nilearn.plotting import plot_stat_map

from nimare.correct import FWECorrector
from nimare.dataset import Dataset
from nimare.utils import get_resource_path

dset_file = os.path.join(get_resource_path(), "nidm_pain_dset.json")
dset = Dataset(dset_file)

# Some of the CBMA algorithms compare two Datasets,
# so we'll split this example Dataset in half.
dset1 = dset.slice(dset.ids[:10])
dset2 = dset.slice(dset.ids[10:])

Multilevel Kernel Density Analysis

from nimare.meta.cbma.mkda import MKDADensity

meta = MKDADensity()
results =

corr = FWECorrector(method="montecarlo", n_iters=10, n_cores=1)
cres = corr.transform(results)

    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
  • 01 plot cbma
  • 01 plot cbma


  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 10%|#         | 1/10 [00:00<00:03,  2.64it/s]
 20%|##        | 2/10 [00:00<00:02,  2.67it/s]
 30%|###       | 3/10 [00:01<00:02,  2.72it/s]
 40%|####      | 4/10 [00:01<00:02,  2.74it/s]
 50%|#####     | 5/10 [00:01<00:01,  2.76it/s]
 60%|######    | 6/10 [00:02<00:01,  2.73it/s]
 70%|#######   | 7/10 [00:02<00:01,  2.72it/s]
 80%|########  | 8/10 [00:02<00:00,  2.73it/s]
 90%|######### | 9/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.73it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.74it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.73it/s]

<nilearn.plotting.displays._slicers.OrthoSlicer object at 0x7fe0c357ca90>

MKDA Chi-Squared

from nimare.meta.cbma.mkda import MKDAChi2

meta = MKDAChi2(kernel__r=10)
results =, dset2)

corr = FWECorrector(method="montecarlo", n_iters=10, n_cores=1)
cres = corr.transform(results)

  • 01 plot cbma
  • 01 plot cbma


/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  pFgA = pAgF * pF / pA
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  pFgA_prior = pAgF * self.prior / pAgF_prior

  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 10%|#         | 1/10 [00:00<00:06,  1.40it/s]
 20%|##        | 2/10 [00:01<00:05,  1.46it/s]
 30%|###       | 3/10 [00:02<00:04,  1.47it/s]
 40%|####      | 4/10 [00:02<00:04,  1.48it/s]
 50%|#####     | 5/10 [00:03<00:03,  1.48it/s]
 60%|######    | 6/10 [00:04<00:02,  1.47it/s]
 70%|#######   | 7/10 [00:04<00:02,  1.47it/s]
 80%|########  | 8/10 [00:05<00:01,  1.48it/s]
 90%|######### | 9/10 [00:06<00:00,  1.48it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:06<00:00,  1.47it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:06<00:00,  1.47it/s]

<nilearn.plotting.displays._slicers.OrthoSlicer object at 0x7fe0c35a1f10>

Kernel Density Analysis

from nimare.meta.cbma.mkda import KDA

meta = KDA()
results =

corr = FWECorrector(method="montecarlo", n_iters=10, n_cores=1)
cres = corr.transform(results)

    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
  • 01 plot cbma
  • 01 plot cbma


  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 10%|#         | 1/10 [00:00<00:03,  2.52it/s]
 20%|##        | 2/10 [00:00<00:03,  2.52it/s]
 30%|###       | 3/10 [00:01<00:02,  2.54it/s]
 40%|####      | 4/10 [00:01<00:02,  2.53it/s]
 50%|#####     | 5/10 [00:01<00:01,  2.55it/s]
 60%|######    | 6/10 [00:02<00:01,  2.55it/s]
 70%|#######   | 7/10 [00:02<00:01,  2.53it/s]
 80%|########  | 8/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.54it/s]
 90%|######### | 9/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.52it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.54it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:03<00:00,  2.54it/s]

<nilearn.plotting.displays._slicers.OrthoSlicer object at 0x7fe0c34a0a10>

Activation Likelihood Estimation

from nimare.meta.cbma.ale import ALE

meta = ALE()
results =

corr = FWECorrector(method="montecarlo", n_iters=10, n_cores=1)
cres = corr.transform(results)

    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
  • 01 plot cbma
  • 01 plot cbma


  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 10%|#         | 1/10 [00:00<00:05,  1.58it/s]
 20%|##        | 2/10 [00:01<00:05,  1.60it/s]
 30%|###       | 3/10 [00:01<00:04,  1.61it/s]
 40%|####      | 4/10 [00:02<00:03,  1.61it/s]
 50%|#####     | 5/10 [00:03<00:03,  1.62it/s]
 60%|######    | 6/10 [00:03<00:02,  1.61it/s]
 70%|#######   | 7/10 [00:04<00:01,  1.62it/s]
 80%|########  | 8/10 [00:04<00:01,  1.63it/s]
 90%|######### | 9/10 [00:05<00:00,  1.62it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:06<00:00,  1.63it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:06<00:00,  1.62it/s]

<nilearn.plotting.displays._slicers.OrthoSlicer object at 0x7fe0c3669290>

Specific Co-Activation Likelihood Estimation


The SCALE algorithm is very memory intensive, so we don’t run it within the documentation.

import numpy as np

from nimare.meta.cbma.ale import SCALE
from nimare.utils import vox2mm

xyz = vox2mm(

meta = SCALE(xyz=xyz, n_iters=10)
results =

ALE-Based Subtraction Analysis

from nimare.meta.cbma.ale import ALESubtraction

meta = ALESubtraction(n_iters=10, n_cores=1)
results =, dset2)

    cut_coords=[0, 0, -8],
01 plot cbma


  0%|          | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
 10%|#         | 1/10 [00:03<00:27,  3.11s/it]
 20%|##        | 2/10 [00:03<00:11,  1.41s/it]
 30%|###       | 3/10 [00:03<00:06,  1.15it/s]
 40%|####      | 4/10 [00:03<00:03,  1.62it/s]
 50%|#####     | 5/10 [00:04<00:02,  2.11it/s]
 60%|######    | 6/10 [00:04<00:01,  2.57it/s]
 70%|#######   | 7/10 [00:04<00:01,  2.98it/s]
 80%|########  | 8/10 [00:04<00:00,  3.32it/s]
 90%|######### | 9/10 [00:04<00:00,  3.60it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:05<00:00,  3.80it/s]
100%|##########| 10/10 [00:05<00:00,  1.95it/s]

  0%|          | 0/228483 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  0%|          | 1041/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10400.69it/s]
  1%|          | 2082/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10316.04it/s]
  1%|1         | 3132/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10396.05it/s]
  2%|1         | 4172/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10384.93it/s]
  2%|2         | 5224/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10430.28it/s]
  3%|2         | 6270/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10438.71it/s]
  3%|3         | 7314/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10435.66it/s]
  4%|3         | 8358/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10428.06it/s]
  4%|4         | 9401/228483 [00:00<00:21, 10423.68it/s]
  5%|4         | 10444/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10424.25it/s]
  5%|5         | 11489/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10431.13it/s]
  5%|5         | 12541/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10456.00it/s]
  6%|5         | 13592/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10470.38it/s]
  6%|6         | 14640/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10457.00it/s]
  7%|6         | 15687/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10459.26it/s]
  7%|7         | 16739/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10476.48it/s]
  8%|7         | 17787/228483 [00:01<00:20, 10471.25it/s]
  8%|8         | 18839/228483 [00:01<00:19, 10484.94it/s]
  9%|8         | 19888/228483 [00:01<00:19, 10474.77it/s]
  9%|9         | 20936/228483 [00:02<00:19, 10412.11it/s]
 10%|9         | 21978/228483 [00:02<00:19, 10407.88it/s]
 10%|#         | 23019/228483 [00:02<00:28, 7308.50it/s]
 11%|#         | 24063/228483 [00:02<00:25, 8029.21it/s]
 11%|#         | 25110/228483 [00:02<00:23, 8633.31it/s]
 11%|#1        | 26170/228483 [00:02<00:22, 9145.43it/s]
 12%|#1        | 27214/228483 [00:02<00:21, 9496.42it/s]
 12%|#2        | 28254/228483 [00:02<00:20, 9748.09it/s]
 13%|#2        | 29296/228483 [00:02<00:20, 9939.50it/s]
 13%|#3        | 30342/228483 [00:03<00:19, 10087.98it/s]
 14%|#3        | 31390/228483 [00:03<00:19, 10202.41it/s]
 14%|#4        | 32436/228483 [00:03<00:19, 10276.48it/s]
 15%|#4        | 33485/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10339.02it/s]
 15%|#5        | 34532/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10376.05it/s]
 16%|#5        | 35575/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10387.76it/s]
 16%|#6        | 36622/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10410.56it/s]
 16%|#6        | 37670/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10430.89it/s]
 17%|#6        | 38717/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10440.74it/s]
 17%|#7        | 39763/228483 [00:03<00:18, 10434.82it/s]
 18%|#7        | 40808/228483 [00:04<00:18, 10418.56it/s]
 18%|#8        | 41851/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10407.03it/s]
 19%|#8        | 42893/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10391.55it/s]
 19%|#9        | 43937/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10405.53it/s]
 20%|#9        | 44978/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10394.50it/s]
 20%|##        | 46024/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10411.53it/s]
 21%|##        | 47078/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10448.36it/s]
 21%|##1       | 48123/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10432.81it/s]
 22%|##1       | 49167/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10400.66it/s]
 22%|##1       | 50208/228483 [00:04<00:17, 10396.28it/s]
 22%|##2       | 51250/228483 [00:05<00:17, 10403.27it/s]
 23%|##2       | 52301/228483 [00:05<00:16, 10433.06it/s]
 23%|##3       | 53349/228483 [00:05<00:16, 10446.98it/s]
 24%|##3       | 54401/228483 [00:05<00:16, 10466.73it/s]
 24%|##4       | 55448/228483 [00:05<00:16, 10447.75it/s]
 25%|##4       | 56497/228483 [00:05<00:16, 10458.49it/s]
 25%|##5       | 57543/228483 [00:05<00:16, 10455.02it/s]
 26%|##5       | 58589/228483 [00:05<00:23, 7324.51it/s]
 26%|##6       | 59618/228483 [00:05<00:21, 8007.36it/s]
 27%|##6       | 60652/228483 [00:06<00:19, 8585.27it/s]
 27%|##6       | 61678/228483 [00:06<00:18, 9021.75it/s]
 27%|##7       | 62722/228483 [00:06<00:17, 9406.72it/s]
 28%|##7       | 63762/228483 [00:06<00:17, 9684.15it/s]
 28%|##8       | 64795/228483 [00:06<00:16, 9866.67it/s]
 29%|##8       | 65843/228483 [00:06<00:16, 10042.99it/s]
 29%|##9       | 66879/228483 [00:06<00:15, 10133.65it/s]
 30%|##9       | 67927/228483 [00:06<00:15, 10233.45it/s]
 30%|###       | 68961/228483 [00:06<00:15, 10232.05it/s]
 31%|###       | 70005/228483 [00:06<00:15, 10293.67it/s]
 31%|###1      | 71040/228483 [00:07<00:15, 10309.88it/s]
 32%|###1      | 72090/228483 [00:07<00:15, 10364.13it/s]
 32%|###2      | 73129/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10367.58it/s]
 32%|###2      | 74171/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10380.52it/s]
 33%|###2      | 75211/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10383.66it/s]
 33%|###3      | 76264/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10425.12it/s]
 34%|###3      | 77308/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10418.41it/s]
 34%|###4      | 78351/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10345.65it/s]
 35%|###4      | 79389/228483 [00:07<00:14, 10354.29it/s]
 35%|###5      | 80425/228483 [00:08<00:14, 10339.34it/s]
 36%|###5      | 81462/228483 [00:08<00:14, 10347.71it/s]
 36%|###6      | 82497/228483 [00:08<00:14, 10334.95it/s]
 37%|###6      | 83542/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10369.22it/s]
 37%|###7      | 84580/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10362.84it/s]
 37%|###7      | 85619/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10369.02it/s]
 38%|###7      | 86664/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10391.19it/s]
 38%|###8      | 87704/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10380.31it/s]
 39%|###8      | 88757/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10423.50it/s]
 39%|###9      | 89800/228483 [00:08<00:13, 10361.75it/s]
 40%|###9      | 90844/228483 [00:09<00:13, 10383.92it/s]
 40%|####      | 91883/228483 [00:09<00:13, 10370.40it/s]
 41%|####      | 92934/228483 [00:09<00:13, 10411.94it/s]
 41%|####1     | 93976/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10407.25it/s]
 42%|####1     | 95017/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10281.71it/s]
 42%|####2     | 96054/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10305.41it/s]
 42%|####2     | 97104/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10361.13it/s]
 43%|####2     | 98146/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10376.74it/s]
 43%|####3     | 99195/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10409.74it/s]
 44%|####3     | 100237/228483 [00:09<00:12, 10402.61it/s]
 44%|####4     | 101278/228483 [00:10<00:12, 10377.38it/s]
 45%|####4     | 102316/228483 [00:10<00:18, 7008.62it/s]
 45%|####5     | 103353/228483 [00:10<00:16, 7759.93it/s]
 46%|####5     | 104386/228483 [00:10<00:14, 8382.10it/s]
 46%|####6     | 105431/228483 [00:10<00:13, 8913.29it/s]
 47%|####6     | 106478/228483 [00:10<00:13, 9329.29it/s]
 47%|####7     | 107525/228483 [00:10<00:12, 9644.38it/s]
 48%|####7     | 108552/228483 [00:10<00:12, 9820.93it/s]
 48%|####7     | 109594/228483 [00:10<00:11, 9993.10it/s]
 48%|####8     | 110633/228483 [00:11<00:11, 10107.40it/s]
 49%|####8     | 111688/228483 [00:11<00:11, 10236.70it/s]
 49%|####9     | 112725/228483 [00:11<00:11, 10275.50it/s]
 50%|####9     | 113778/228483 [00:11<00:11, 10349.09it/s]
 50%|#####     | 114819/228483 [00:11<00:10, 10345.98it/s]
 51%|#####     | 115872/228483 [00:11<00:10, 10400.80it/s]
 51%|#####1    | 116916/228483 [00:11<00:10, 10394.96it/s]
 52%|#####1    | 117968/228483 [00:11<00:10, 10431.99it/s]
 52%|#####2    | 119013/228483 [00:11<00:10, 10421.83it/s]
 53%|#####2    | 120057/228483 [00:11<00:10, 10394.15it/s]
 53%|#####3    | 121098/228483 [00:12<00:10, 10395.61it/s]
 53%|#####3    | 122144/228483 [00:12<00:10, 10412.66it/s]
 54%|#####3    | 123186/228483 [00:12<00:10, 10387.32it/s]
 54%|#####4    | 124231/228483 [00:12<00:10, 10405.70it/s]
 55%|#####4    | 125272/228483 [00:12<00:09, 10382.36it/s]
 55%|#####5    | 126322/228483 [00:12<00:09, 10415.60it/s]
 56%|#####5    | 127365/228483 [00:12<00:09, 10417.61it/s]
 56%|#####6    | 128419/228483 [00:12<00:09, 10453.14it/s]
 57%|#####6    | 129465/228483 [00:12<00:09, 10400.44it/s]
 57%|#####7    | 130509/228483 [00:12<00:09, 10410.49it/s]
 58%|#####7    | 131551/228483 [00:13<00:09, 10396.95it/s]
 58%|#####8    | 132599/228483 [00:13<00:09, 10421.14it/s]
 58%|#####8    | 133642/228483 [00:13<00:09, 10404.24it/s]
 59%|#####8    | 134688/228483 [00:13<00:09, 10418.88it/s]
 59%|#####9    | 135730/228483 [00:13<00:08, 10418.06it/s]
 60%|#####9    | 136784/228483 [00:13<00:08, 10453.40it/s]
 60%|######    | 137830/228483 [00:13<00:08, 10441.80it/s]
 61%|######    | 138884/228483 [00:13<00:08, 10470.48it/s]
 61%|######1   | 139932/228483 [00:13<00:08, 10455.56it/s]
 62%|######1   | 140978/228483 [00:13<00:08, 10417.62it/s]
 62%|######2   | 142020/228483 [00:14<00:08, 10416.59it/s]
 63%|######2   | 143066/228483 [00:14<00:08, 10428.62it/s]
 63%|######3   | 144109/228483 [00:14<00:08, 10393.78it/s]
 64%|######3   | 145155/228483 [00:14<00:08, 10412.37it/s]
 64%|######3   | 146197/228483 [00:14<00:07, 10377.70it/s]
 64%|######4   | 147247/228483 [00:14<00:07, 10411.50it/s]
 65%|######4   | 148289/228483 [00:14<00:07, 10405.20it/s]
 65%|######5   | 149340/228483 [00:14<00:07, 10435.47it/s]
 66%|######5   | 150384/228483 [00:14<00:07, 10377.61it/s]
 66%|######6   | 151432/228483 [00:14<00:07, 10405.43it/s]
 67%|######6   | 152473/228483 [00:15<00:07, 10393.87it/s]
 67%|######7   | 153526/228483 [00:15<00:07, 10432.71it/s]
 68%|######7   | 154570/228483 [00:15<00:07, 10418.97it/s]
 68%|######8   | 155617/228483 [00:15<00:06, 10431.39it/s]
 69%|######8   | 156661/228483 [00:15<00:10, 6830.23it/s]
 69%|######9   | 157712/228483 [00:15<00:09, 7634.34it/s]
 69%|######9   | 158751/228483 [00:15<00:08, 8288.80it/s]
 70%|######9   | 159756/228483 [00:15<00:07, 8733.80it/s]
 70%|#######   | 160791/228483 [00:16<00:07, 9162.14it/s]
 71%|#######   | 161835/228483 [00:16<00:07, 9513.06it/s]
 71%|#######1  | 162863/228483 [00:16<00:06, 9728.04it/s]
 72%|#######1  | 163909/228483 [00:16<00:06, 9937.15it/s]
 72%|#######2  | 164942/228483 [00:16<00:06, 10049.86it/s]
 73%|#######2  | 165991/228483 [00:16<00:06, 10176.47it/s]
 73%|#######3  | 167037/228483 [00:16<00:05, 10259.77it/s]
 74%|#######3  | 168078/228483 [00:16<00:05, 10301.76it/s]
 74%|#######4  | 169115/228483 [00:16<00:05, 10292.44it/s]
 74%|#######4  | 170158/228483 [00:16<00:05, 10330.78it/s]
 75%|#######4  | 171195/228483 [00:17<00:05, 10341.60it/s]
 75%|#######5  | 172245/228483 [00:17<00:05, 10388.80it/s]
 76%|#######5  | 173288/228483 [00:17<00:05, 10399.31it/s]
 76%|#######6  | 174343/228483 [00:17<00:05, 10444.08it/s]
 77%|#######6  | 175389/228483 [00:17<00:05, 10416.45it/s]
 77%|#######7  | 176443/228483 [00:17<00:04, 10450.64it/s]
 78%|#######7  | 177489/228483 [00:17<00:04, 10439.19it/s]
 78%|#######8  | 178541/228483 [00:17<00:04, 10463.22it/s]
 79%|#######8  | 179588/228483 [00:17<00:04, 10449.73it/s]
 79%|#######9  | 180634/228483 [00:17<00:04, 10426.04it/s]
 80%|#######9  | 181677/228483 [00:18<00:04, 10278.37it/s]
 80%|#######9  | 182723/228483 [00:18<00:04, 10331.14it/s]
 80%|########  | 183757/228483 [00:18<00:04, 10317.68it/s]
 81%|########  | 184803/228483 [00:18<00:04, 10358.43it/s]
 81%|########1 | 185840/228483 [00:18<00:04, 10346.46it/s]
 82%|########1 | 186889/228483 [00:18<00:04, 10387.03it/s]
 82%|########2 | 187937/228483 [00:18<00:03, 10413.46it/s]
 83%|########2 | 188979/228483 [00:18<00:03, 10410.79it/s]
 83%|########3 | 190021/228483 [00:18<00:03, 10369.20it/s]
 84%|########3 | 191063/228483 [00:18<00:03, 10382.80it/s]
 84%|########4 | 192102/228483 [00:19<00:03, 10379.60it/s]
 85%|########4 | 193156/228483 [00:19<00:03, 10425.73it/s]
 85%|########4 | 194199/228483 [00:19<00:03, 10413.83it/s]
 85%|########5 | 195250/228483 [00:19<00:03, 10440.21it/s]
 86%|########5 | 196295/228483 [00:19<00:03, 10411.96it/s]
 86%|########6 | 197348/228483 [00:19<00:02, 10444.98it/s]
 87%|########6 | 198393/228483 [00:19<00:02, 10436.04it/s]
 87%|########7 | 199447/228483 [00:19<00:02, 10464.93it/s]
 88%|########7 | 200494/228483 [00:19<00:02, 10448.29it/s]
 88%|########8 | 201539/228483 [00:19<00:02, 10413.92it/s]
 89%|########8 | 202581/228483 [00:20<00:02, 10410.16it/s]
 89%|########9 | 203629/228483 [00:20<00:02, 10428.37it/s]
 90%|########9 | 204672/228483 [00:20<00:02, 10393.78it/s]
 90%|######### | 205717/228483 [00:20<00:02, 10409.48it/s]
 90%|######### | 206758/228483 [00:20<00:02, 10379.85it/s]
 91%|######### | 207806/228483 [00:20<00:01, 10408.28it/s]
 91%|#########1| 208853/228483 [00:20<00:01, 10426.58it/s]
 92%|#########1| 209897/228483 [00:20<00:01, 10429.49it/s]
 92%|#########2| 210940/228483 [00:20<00:01, 10381.22it/s]
 93%|#########2| 211979/228483 [00:20<00:01, 10344.11it/s]
 93%|#########3| 213020/228483 [00:21<00:01, 10362.96it/s]
 94%|#########3| 214075/228483 [00:21<00:01, 10418.63it/s]
 94%|#########4| 215122/228483 [00:21<00:01, 10431.36it/s]
 95%|#########4| 216178/228483 [00:21<00:01, 10467.22it/s]
 95%|#########5| 217225/228483 [00:21<00:01, 10441.34it/s]
 96%|#########5| 218279/228483 [00:21<00:00, 10468.76it/s]
 96%|#########5| 219326/228483 [00:21<00:00, 10453.08it/s]
 96%|#########6| 220379/228483 [00:21<00:00, 10475.52it/s]
 97%|#########6| 221427/228483 [00:21<00:00, 10450.74it/s]
 97%|#########7| 222473/228483 [00:21<00:00, 10415.81it/s]
 98%|#########7| 223516/228483 [00:22<00:00, 10417.98it/s]
 98%|#########8| 224564/228483 [00:22<00:00, 10423.46it/s]
 99%|#########8| 225607/228483 [00:22<00:00, 6440.03it/s]
 99%|#########9| 226654/228483 [00:22<00:00, 7280.02it/s]
100%|#########9| 227688/228483 [00:22<00:00, 7981.15it/s]
100%|##########| 228483/228483 [00:29<00:00, 7760.59it/s]

<nilearn.plotting.displays._slicers.OrthoSlicer object at 0x7fe0c3284710>

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 20.208 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery