

Return the path to general resources, terminated with separator.

Resources are kept outside package folder in “datasets”. Based on function by Yaroslav Halchenko used in Neurosynth Python package.

Examples using nimare.utils.get_resource_path

The NiMARE Dataset object

The NiMARE Dataset object

Transform images into coordinates

Transform images into coordinates

Coordinate-based meta-analysis algorithms

Coordinate-based meta-analysis algorithms

Image-based meta-analysis algorithms

Image-based meta-analysis algorithms

KernelTransformers and CBMA

KernelTransformers and CBMA

The Estimator class

The Estimator class

The Corrector class

The Corrector class

Compare image and coordinate based meta-analyses

Compare image and coordinate based meta-analyses

Two-sample ALE meta-analysis

Two-sample ALE meta-analysis

Run a coordinate-based meta-analysis (CBMA) workflow

Run a coordinate-based meta-analysis (CBMA) workflow

Run an image-based meta-analysis (IBMA) workflow

Run an image-based meta-analysis (IBMA) workflow

Simple annotation from text

Simple annotation from text

The Cognitive Atlas

The Cognitive Atlas

LDA topic modeling

LDA topic modeling

GCLDA topic modeling

GCLDA topic modeling

Discrete functional decoding

Discrete functional decoding